Payment and  Donations


Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Please see below for instructions on donations/payments.

For Donations to the Church

We accept online donations via Internet banking.

If you wish to make a one-off donation or give regularly, you can set up a donation or automatic payment online. You can do so by entering the following information into the form on your bank’s website.

All Saints Anglican Church
02 0168 0016479 00

Please include the correct code and reference from the table below for the type of payment you are making.

Donation Type Code Reference
Giving Giving Number or Name Giving

To obtain a receipt for tax purposes, you should include your giving number. The Parish Administrator at the office can provide this if needed.

If you are unsure, please contact the Parish Administrator to clarify the details required in each case.

For Donations to Individual Ministries

Individual ministries accept online donations via Internet banking. 

If you wish to make a one-off donation or give regularly, you can set up a donation or automatic payment online. You can do so by entering the following information into the form on your bank’s website.

All Saints Anglican Church
02 0168 0016479 00

As you will be paying into the All Saints general account, it is essential that you specify the ministry to which you wish to donate. All Saints, Howick bears no responsibility for ensuring that funds reach their intended ministry if no reference details are included. Please ensure you include the following code and reference for each type of payment:

Donation Type Code Reference
Food Bank Giving Number or Name Foodbank
Selwyn Center Giving Number or Name Selwyn – (Specify Fee or Donation)
Seasons Giving Number or Name Seasons
CLOJ Giving Number or Name CLOJ


Giving Number or Name Space


To obtain a receipt for tax purposes you should include your giving number. This can be obtained from Parish Administrator at the office.

If you are unsure please contact the Parish Administrator to clarify the details required in each case.

For Rental/Hire Payments

All Saints, Howick accepts online rental/hire payments via Internet banking.

If you wish to make a one-off payment or a regular payment, you can set this up online. You can do so by entering the following information into the form on your bank’s website.

All Saints Anglican Church
02 0168 0016479 00

As you will be paying into the All Saints general account, it is essential that you specify the details of the hire/rental. All Saints, Howick bears no responsibility for ensuring that funds are attributed to the relevant rental/hire if no reference details are included. Please ensure you include the following code and reference for each type of payment:

Payment Type Code Reference

Rental/Hire Payments

NOTE – Deposits or bonds must be paid in cash at the office – DO NOT pay here.

Name of the person or organisation renting

Name of space rented


To obtain a receipt for tax purposes you should include your giving number. This can be obtained from Parish Administrator at the office.

If you are unsure please contact the Parish Administrator to clarify the details required in each case.