It is the privilege of the Church to be with people at every stage of their lives, at times of sadness as well as in the celebrations of new beginnings.
Thanks-giving for a Child
In baptism we celebrate what God has done for us in Christ, and we respond by declaring our faith in God and committing ourselves to following Jesus. In baptism we become members of the Body of Christ, the Church.
The primary symbol of baptism is water, which may be sprinkled on the head of the person being baptised, or in which they may be fully immersed. The water is a symbol of both cleansing and rebirth. We ‘drown’ in the water of baptism and die to sin, and then we are raised to a new life in Christ, born again by water and the power of the Holy Spirit. In this death and rebirth we participate in Christ’s death and resurrection.
Baptism is for anyone whatever their age. In the case of infants and the very young, parents (and godparents) will make promises of faith on their behalf, while older candidates who are able to speak for themselves will make their own profession of faith.
At All Saints, baptisms are preceded by a period of preparation and then take place at our Sunday 9.30am service where the whole congregation, along with the candidate’s family and friends, welcome the new Christian and promise their support and prayer into the future.
If you are interested in baptism for yourself or for a member of your family, please contact us.
Confirmation provides the opportunity for those who have been baptised to “confirm” the promises that were made at their baptism. For those who were baptised as infants, those promises were made on their behalf by parents (and godparents) and confirmation enables them to make an adult profession of faith for themselves. For those baptised as adults, confirmation often follows immediately after baptism within the same service. In both cases, however, confirmation commissions the baptised for Christian service in the world.
Confirmation services are conducted by a bishop and involve the bishop laying hands on each candidate and praying for that they may be strengthened by the Holy Spirit “to love and serve as a disciple of Christ” (A New Zealand Prayer Book, pg.393).
If you are interested in making this commitment, please contact us.
Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child
While Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the Church, the body of Christ, Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child provides “an opportunity for parents and families to give thanks for the birth or adoption of a child and to offer prayer for family life” (A New Zealand Prayer Book). This service may take place “in the home, the hospital, in church, or some other suitable setting as soon as convenient after the birth or adoption of a child”.
It is important to note that this service has no connection with Baptism.
A wedding is one of life’s great moments and All Saints’ welcomes these celebrations as a vital part of the Church’s ministry. Christians understand marriage to be a creative relationship – God’s blessing enables two people to love and support each other in good times and bad. Marriage is also seen as an invitation to share life together in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Parish clergy work with this understanding to assist couples in preparing their wedding service as well as helping them prepare for their lives ahead.
Marriage Equality in New Zealand makes legal provision for couples of different or the same gender to marry. Unfortunately, The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is currently unable to offer wedding services for couples of the same gender. We are, however, pleased to be able to offer a Service of Blessing for couples of the same or different genders who have first had a Civil Marriage or Civil Union.
The ceremonies must be carried out by a member of the All Saints clergy. The chapels are not available for use by external clergy or celebrants.
Please click on the image below for a helpful brochure we have prepared to assist with your planning.
Ministry is offered to bereaved families irrespective of their church affiliation, and every effort is made to provide a funeral service which is appropriate to the circumstances of the deceased and their family. We are able to assist with the planning of the service in cooperation with your funeral services company.
Where the service is held in one of the church buildings, the reception that follows may be held in the Haseler Hall or Oak Room if they are available.
If you do not wish to use an outside streaming service to video and stream the funeral, All Saints may be able to provide a single camera stream to Youtube on request. This is dependant on staff availability
Memorial services may be held to commemorate a loved one who passed away some time ago or was interred elsewhere.
Memorial plaques may be placed on our memorial wall and ashes may be interred by reserving or purchasing a place. Contact: office@allsaintshowick.org.nz.
We also maintain a register of pre-purchased or family plots within the graveyard.
We have created a brochure to guide you through this process. We hope this will be useful. Please click on the image to open or download. If you require further information please contact the Parish Administrator.
What is prayer?
Prayer is our response to God’s love. We pray in the name of Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What are the different ways of prayer?
We can pray with or without words, by ourselves or with others. The main kinds of prayer include adoration, praise, thanksgiving, confession of sins, intercession to God for others and for ourselves. The prayer of listening to God is called meditation or contemplation.
What is a helpful way for us to begin?
We can realise God’s presence with us by being quiet and still. And by
recognising God’s love within us and around us.
How can the Bible be used in prayer?
We can use a passage or verse of the Bible to reflect on God. Through the words of the Bible God is able to challenge, give guidance, strength and peace for daily living.
What Prayer Does Christ Give Us?
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.
E tō mātou Matua i te rangi
Kia tapu tōu Ingoa.
Kia tae mai tōu rangatiratanga.
Kia meatia tāu e pai ai
ki runga ki te whenua,
kia rite anō ki tō te rangi.
Hōmai ki a mātou āianei
he taro mā mātou mō tēnei rā.
Murua ō mātou hara,
Me mātou hoki e muru nei
i ō te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou.
Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whakawaia;
Engari whakaorangia mātou i te kino:
Nōu hoki te rangatiratanga, te kaha,
me te korōria,
Āke ake ake. Āmine.
Ways of prayer at All Saints
All Saint Prayer List and Prayer Box Let us know if you would like to be prayed for by our Prayer Team. Prayers are private to the Prayer Team and if you wish, included in our Sunday morning intercessions.
Prayer requests can be made at the Parish Office and you can contact the Parish Office or members of the Clergy Team for further information.
A Prayer Box is at the church entrance table.
Feel free to stop by or contact us by phone or online.
Peace be with you.